Multi level marketing

Sharing Brings Rewards

As the saying goes what you sow is what you reap or what you put in is what you get out.

When I was in the corporate world, I knew that I was only as good as the staff I employed to help me. If I didn’t train and empower my staff with knowledge, then they would never be able to fulfill their role to the standard that I was expecting of them.

We all have the fear that we won’t be the best at something anymore so we don’t let our subordinates know what we are doing differently or don’t let others have the knowledge that we have. How wrong we are.

What we can end up sitting with is a mountain of work that we must do ourselves because we have not taken the time to grow and empower people in our team.

As an entrepreneur, sharing my knowledge with my team takes me to another level. Surrounding myself with competent people, empowering them with knowledge to do an excellent job frees me up to become more than I currently am and to grow my business.

Don’t let fear of sharing stand in your way on your journey to success. Empower the people who are helping you grow.