INUKA Business Earnings And Benefits
INUKA offers one of the most rewarding Compensation Plans in the Network Marketing Industry.

6 Ways to Earn and Benefit
Immediate Retail Profit
Members buy products at Wholesale Prices from INUKA and sell them to their customers at Minimum Recommended Retail Prices. The difference between your purchase price (Wholesale Price) and your selling price (Retail Price) is your Retail Profit. Based on 50% Retail Profit, a R130 Wholesale Product will retail for R195, implying a R65 profit.
We strongly discourage our Members from undercutting their Retail Prices. This deprives you of your rightful Retail Profit and creates a competitive disadvantage for other INUKA Members who would otherwise have an equal opportunity to build the business and sell their INUKA Products.
Once-Off Fast Progress Leadership Cash Rebates are given to Members who achieve Pearl Leadership Status and beyond, within a certain period of time. Once-off cash rebates range between R1,000 to R200,000. Members who achieve Diamond Statuses are paid the Once-off cash rebates regardless of the time since joining. Once you have reached an INUKA status or leadership level, you will NEVER BE DEMOTED.
Qualifying Senior and beyond Members receive monthly cash Volume Rebates. INUKA pays monthly Volume Rebates up to
16% on Personal PV and Group PV, depending on your monthly productivity. Monthly Volume Rebates are based on monthly
sales and recruiting efforts by leaders and their downlines (4 levels deep).
Quarterly Maintenance Rebates
In addition to monthly cash Volume Rebate pay-outs, INUKA rewards leaders who maintain Emerald Status and beyond for all 3 months in an INUKA quarter (Jan – Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul – Sept & Oct-Dec). Quarterly Maintenance Rebates are based on your Group PV (4 levels deep) and your personal recruiting efforts. Quarterly Maintenance Rebates range between R3,500 to R660,000.
Annual and Quarterly Cash Rebates & Awards
To salute hard working business leaders, INUKA gives cash rebates to Members who achieve set challenges as well as to top-performing leaders and newcomers. Annual performance bonuses (also referred to as the Rainbow Challenge) reward qualifying Personal Sales, Group Sales, Recruiting and Promoting. Rainbow Performance Rebates are guaranteed unlimited cash rewards to qualifying Leaders.
All cars earned at INUKA are registered in your name and will become your personal property.