Get the most out of your INUKA Business
Be your own boss. Learn how you can replace and exceed your current income.
Earn R27,286 in your first 90 days
Month 1: Earn R4,269.00
Step 1: Study your Senior Status and Business Guide.
Step 2: Sell 40 Personal PV.
Step 3: Personally introduce 3 Members to reach Junior & Beyond Status.
Month 2: Earn R7,278.00
Step 1: Sell 40 Personal PV.
Step 2: Personally introduce 3 additional Members to each reach Junior & Beyond Status.
Step 3: Train & motivate all Members in your downline to sell 40 Personal PV introduce 3 Members to reach Junior & Beyond Status.
Month 3: Earn R15,739.00
Step 1: Sell 40 Personal PV.
Step 2: Introduce new 3 Members to each reach Junior & Beyond Status.
Step 3: Train & motivate all Members in your downline to sell 40 Personal PV and introduce 3 Members to reach Junior & Beyond Status.
1 PV = equivalent to e.g. 1 Classic Perfume or 2 Classic Lotions.
Earnings include Fast Progress Cash Rewards and Retail Profit when and where applicable.