Sónia Langa


I am a wife and a mother, among other social positions! I am also an INUKA Diamond Leader. In 2021, I was recognized as an INUKA Top 25 Business Leader. My Team missed this Position in 2022. By divine grace and hard work and as a team, we could be recognized in the Top 25 again in 2023. Thank you to my Team, the Rich Team!

When 2023 began, I did nothing but decipher the goals and strategies I would use this year. I felt the need to challenge myself and surpass my 2022 results. I already defined everything I wanted to achieve. My Team and I got to work. It wasn’t easy because of the economy, and our purchasing and selling capacity declined. However, I still found and created many reasons to be proud. We grew as a Team and reached many of our goals together. We have carried forward the goals we did not achieve, and we aim to achieve them in 2024.

For those who want to be Top Achievers, I have some advice:

  • Accept that you are in a business, and all results and dreams can come true. Always strive for the best!
  • Empower and create true leaders from the ground up.
  • Be a present, charismatic, welcoming leader, teacher, and motivator for your Members, even when they are not responding to your teachings.
  • Get to know your Team, and accept that not everyone has the same flexibility, conditions and objectives. Lead each one, taking into account their reality.
  • Understand that INUKA is about producing and making money. Everything else comes as a bonus, so don’t get distracted by what others do. If it’s good, copy it. If it’s not good, learn that you should never do that.
  • We are the inspiration of many Members. We are the creators of dreams. We are the mirror for all those who believe and even disbelieve. With the INUKA Business Opportunity, you will give many people hope for a better tomorrow and positively change many destinies. Everything you can do for others, do it with a smile on your face.
  • When difficulties knock on your door, please open it and tell them they knocked on the wrong person’s door. Stand tall, firm, and continue to work so they never think about returning.

A special THANK YOU to my family and relatives, my collaborators, the Members of the Rich Team and all the Leaders who inspired and supported me in 2023. May God bless you.