Polo Vivo Achiever 2022: Lasmin Ibraimo

We are delighted to share our INUKA CAR PRESENTATION to Lasmin Ibraimo from Mozambique held at Emperors Palace on the 19th of November 2022.
It was our privilege to present Lasmin with her brand new Polo Vivo Comfortline registered in her own name.
Well done to her two maintaining Sapphire Leaders Mariamo Abdul & Zubaida Liquidao who also earned R15000 each as part of the INUKA Car Reward Challenge.
This video truly captured what the day meant to her. We are grateful to share this moment with you. A special thank you to all INUKA Members who celebrated with her and all the INUKA Members from Mozambique who travelled far to support Lasmin. Well done for achieving your goal Lasmin.
With the INUKA CAR REWARD CHALLENGE anyone can Dream it, Earn it, Own it.