Mercedes Benz A200 Achiever 2022: Queluba Assinde

Well done Queluba Assinde for opening the way and writing the history books in achieving the 1st INUKA Mercedes Benz in the INUKA Car Reward Program.
It has been remarkable to see you reap the rewards of your goals, step by step, brick by brick, ever since you joined INUKA.
We wish you safe & joyous travels in your very own Mercedes Benz A200 with all its class, sophistication, and extra sporty features. You represented our Marvellous Mozambique Members well.

Well done to Queluba’s two maintaining Diamond Leaders, Lasmin Ibraimo & Jagna Mateus, who also earned R40000 each as part of the INUKA Car Reward Challenge. All Rewards was presented at our INUKA Sales Quarter 3 Event on Saturday, 19 November at Centre Court, Emperors Palace, South Africa.
With the INUKA CAR REWARD CHALLENGE anyone can Dream it, Earn it, Own it.